2. Ligand-Receptor Inference
As a result of the growing interest in cell-cell communication (CCC) inference, a number of computational tools in single-cell transcriptomics have emerged. Although, there many different categories and approaches to infer CCC events, in this tutorial we will focus on those that infer interactions between ligands and receptors, commonly referred to as ligand-receptor (LR) inference methods (e.g. (Efremova et al., 2020, Hou et al., 2020, Jin et al., 2021, Raredon et al., 2022). These tools typically rely on gene expression information as a proxy of protein abundance, and they work downstream of data pre-processing and acquisition of biologically-meaningful cell groups. These CCC tools infer intercellular interactions in a hypothesis-free manner, meaning that they infer all possible interactions between cell clusters, relying on prior knowledge of the potential interactions. Here, one group of cells is considered the source of the communication signal, sending a ligand, and the other is the receiver of the signal via its receptors. CCC events are thus represented as interactions between LR pairs, expressed by any combination of source and receiver cell groups.
The information about the interacting proteins is commonly extracted from prior knowledge resources. In the case of LR methods, the interactions can also be represented by heteromeric protein complexes (Efremova et al., 2020, Jin et al., 2021, Noël et al., 2021).
Here, we will use LIANA to obtain a consensus score for each LR interaction inferred by the different tools. Further, we will make use of LIANA’s consensus resource, which combines a number of expert-curated LR resources.
Environment Setup
library(liana, quietly = TRUE)
library(scater, quietly = TRUE)
library(dplyr, quietly = TRUE)
library(reshape2, quietly = TRUE)
library(tidyr, quietly = TRUE)
library(ggplot2, quietly = TRUE)
library(ComplexHeatmap, quietly = TRUE)
library(circlize, quietly = TRUE)
data.path <- file.path('..', '..', 'data')
output_folder <- file.path(data.path, 'liana-outputs/')
Data Reminder
Here, we will re-load the processed data as processed in Tutorial 01.
Change this to reading directly from Seurat once tutorial 01 in R is fully completed
covid_data <- readRDS(file.path(data.path, 'covid_balf_norm.rds'))
just as a quick reminder, let’s visualize the cell types and samples in the data.
DataFrame with 6 rows and 13 columns
orig.ident sample sample_new disease
<character> <character> <character> <character>
hasnCoV cluster cell.type condition ident
<character> <integer> <character> <character> <factor>
AAACCCACAGCTACAT-1_1 N 27 B Control C100
AAACCCATCCACGGGT-1_1 N 23 Macrophages Control C100
AAACGAACAAACAGGC-1_1 N 10 Macrophages Control C100
AAACGAAGTCGCACAC-1_1 N 10 Macrophages Control C100
sum detected total subsets_Mito_percent
<numeric> <integer> <numeric> <numeric>
AAACCCACAGCTACAT-1_1 3124 1377 3124 9.189882
AAACCCATCCACGGGT-1_1 1430 836 1430 0.909727
AAACCCATCCCATTCG-1_1 2342 1105 2342 6.319385
AAACGAACAAACAGGC-1_1 31378 4530 31378 9.981516
AAACGAAGTCGCACAC-1_1 12767 3409 12767 5.161745
AAACGAAGTCTATGAC-1_1 2198 1094 2198 8.871702
h_ = 5
w_ = 14
options(repr.plot.height=h_, repr.plot.width=w_)
n.pcs <- 20
# scran::buildSNNGraph(covid_data, use.dimred = 'PCA', d = n.pcs, )
g1 <- scater::plotUMAP(covid_data, colour_by = 'cell.type')
g2 <- scater::plotUMAP(covid_data, colour_by = 'sample_new')
patchwork::wrap_plots(g1, g2, ncol = 2)

Predicting CCC events with LIANA
Now that we have the preprocessed data loaded, we will use liana to score the interactions inferred by the different tools.
is highly modularized and it implements a number of methods to score LR interactions, we can list those with the following command:
- 'connectome'
- 'logfc'
- 'natmi'
- 'sca'
- 'cellphonedb'
- 'cytotalk'
- 'call_squidpy'
- 'call_cellchat'
- 'call_connectome'
- 'call_sca'
- 'call_italk'
- 'call_natmi'
LIANA classifies interaction scores into two categories: those that infer the Magnitude and Specificity of interactions. The Magnitude of an interactions is a measure of the strength of the interaction’s expression, and the Specificity of an interaction is a measure of how specific is an interaction to a given pair of clusters. Generally, these categories are complementary, and the magnitude of the interaction is a proxy of the specificity of the interaction. For example, a ligand-receptor interaction with a high magnitude score is likely to be specific, and vice versa.
Scoring Functions
We will now describe the mathematical formulation of the magnitude and specificity scores we will use in this tutorial:
Specificity: CellPhoneDBv2 introduced a permutation approach also adapted by other methods, see permutation formulation below.
Specificity: CellPhoneDBv2 introduced a permutation approach also adapted by other methods, see permutation formulation below.
Geometric Mean
Specificity: An adaptation of CellPhoneDBv2’s permutation approach.
CellChat (a resource-agnostic adaptation)
$$ LRprob_{k,i,j} = :nbsphinx-math:`frac{TriMean(L_{C_{i}}) cdot
TriMean(R_{C_{j}})}{Kh + TriMean(L_{C_{i}}) cdot
TriMean(R_{C_{j}})}` $$
where Kh = 0.5 by default and TriMean
represents Tuckey’s Trimean function:
Note that the original CellChat implementation also uses information of mediator proteins, which is specific to the CellChat resource. Since we can use any resource with liana, by default liana’s consensus resource, we will not use this information, and hence the implementation of CellChat’s LR_probability
in LIANA was simplified to be resource-agnostic.
Specificity: An adaptation of CellPhoneDBv2’s permutation approach.
The specificity scores of these three method is calculated as follows:
where P
is the number of permutations, and L*
and R*
are ligand and receptor expression summarized according by each method, i.e. arithmetic mean
for CellPhoneDB and Geometric Mean, and TriMean
for CellChat.
where mu
is the mean of the expression matrix M
where z
is the z-score of the expression matrix M
where log2FC for each gene is calculated as:
What the above equations show is that there are many commonalities between the different methods, yet there are also many variations in the way the magnitude and specificity scores are calculated.
where liana considers interactions as occurring only if the ligand and receptor, and all of their subunits, are expressed by default in at least 0.1 of the cells (>= expr_prop
) in cell clusters i
, j
. Any interactions that don’t pass these criteria are not returned by default, to return them the user can check the return_all_lrs
Score Distributions
# pick a sample to infer the communication scores for
md <- covid_data@colData
barcodes <- rownames(md[md$sample == 'C100', ])
sdata <- covid_data[, barcodes]
class: SingleCellExperiment
dim: 24798 2550
assays(2): counts logcounts
rownames(24798): AL627309.1 AL627309.3 ... AC233755.1 AC240274.1
rowData names(0):
colData names(13): orig.ident sample ... total subsets_Mito_percent
reducedDimNames(2): PCA UMAP
mainExpName: RNA
The parameters that we will use are the following: - idents_col
is the column in the meta
dataframe that contains the cell groups - assay
is a string that indicates which Seurat assay to use (typically RNA
, unless having done a batch correction step) - assay.type
is a string that indicates whether to use the raw (counts
) or log- and library-normalized (logcounts
) counts attribute of the Seurat object assay. Since most CCC tools expect library- and log-normalized data,
we will use that. - expr_prop
is the expression proportion threshold (in terms of cells per cell type expressing the protein)threshold of expression for any protein subunit involved in the interaction, according to which we keep or discard the interactions. - min_cells
is the minimum number of cells per cell type required for a cell type to be considered in the analysis - verbose
is a boolean that indicates whether to print the progress of the function
(Other parameters are described in the documentation of the function, as well as in more detail below)
liana_res <- liana_wrap(sce = sdata,
idents_col = 'cell.type',
assay.type = 'logcounts',
verbose=TRUE, parallelize = TRUE , workers = 30
Running LIANA with `cell.type` as labels!
`Idents` were converted to factor
Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Plasma were removed!
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“5591 genes and/or 0 cells were removed as they had no counts!”
Warning message:
“`invoke()` is deprecated as of rlang 0.4.0.
Please use `exec()` or `inject()` instead.
This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.”
LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!
Now Running: Natmi
Now Running: Connectome
Now Running: Logfc
Now Running: Sca
Now Running: Cellphonedb
Warning message:
“`progress_estimated()` was deprecated in dplyr 1.0.0.
ℹ The deprecated feature was likely used in the liana package.
Please report the issue at <https://github.com/saezlab/liana/issues>.”
liana returns a list of results, each element of which corresponds to a method
liana_res %>% dplyr::glimpse()
List of 5
$ natmi : tibble [9,911 × 14] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
..$ source : chr [1:9911] "B" "B" "B" "B" ...
.. ..- attr(*, "levels")= chr [1:8] "B" "Epithelial" "Macrophages" "Mast" ...
..$ target : chr [1:9911] "B" "B" "B" "B" ...
.. ..- attr(*, "levels")= chr [1:8] "B" "Epithelial" "Macrophages" "Mast" ...
..$ ligand.complex : chr [1:9911] "HLA-B" "HLA-A" "FCER2" "FCER2" ...
..$ ligand : chr [1:9911] "HLA-B" "HLA-A" "FCER2" "FCER2" ...
..$ receptor.complex: chr [1:9911] "LILRB1" "LILRB1" "ITGAX_ITGB2" "CR2" ...
..$ receptor : chr [1:9911] "LILRB1" "LILRB1" "ITGAX" "CR2" ...
..$ receptor.prop : num [1:9911] 0.111 0.111 0.111 0.111 0.111 ...
..$ ligand.prop : num [1:9911] 0.889 0.778 0.222 0.222 0.222 ...
..$ ligand.expr : num [1:9911] 2.522 2.043 0.377 0.377 0.34 ...
..$ receptor.expr : num [1:9911] 0.237 0.237 0.345 0.173 0.173 ...
..$ ligand.sum : num [1:9911] 19.296 19.192 0.381 0.381 2.687 ...
..$ receptor.sum : num [1:9911] 1.321 1.321 4.268 0.173 0.463 ...
..$ prod_weight : num [1:9911] 0.5985 0.4848 0.1304 0.0652 0.0588 ...
..$ edge_specificity: num [1:9911] 0.0235 0.0191 0.0801 0.9901 0.0472 ...
$ connectome : tibble [9,911 × 11] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
..$ source : chr [1:9911] "B" "B" "B" "B" ...
.. ..- attr(*, "levels")= chr [1:8] "B" "Epithelial" "Macrophages" "Mast" ...
..$ target : chr [1:9911] "B" "B" "B" "B" ...
.. ..- attr(*, "levels")= chr [1:8] "B" "Epithelial" "Macrophages" "Mast" ...
..$ ligand.complex : chr [1:9911] "HLA-B" "HLA-A" "FCER2" "FCER2" ...
..$ ligand : chr [1:9911] "HLA-B" "HLA-A" "FCER2" "FCER2" ...
..$ receptor.complex: chr [1:9911] "LILRB1" "LILRB1" "ITGAX_ITGB2" "CR2" ...
..$ receptor : chr [1:9911] "LILRB1" "LILRB1" "ITGB2" "CR2" ...
..$ receptor.prop : num [1:9911] 0.111 0.111 0.111 0.111 0.111 ...
..$ ligand.prop : num [1:9911] 0.889 0.778 0.222 0.222 0.222 ...
..$ ligand.scaled : num [1:9911] -0.2597 -1.0663 4.9968 4.9968 0.0687 ...
..$ receptor.scaled : num [1:9911] 0.1575 0.1575 -0.9171 5.5888 -0.0609 ...
..$ weight_sc : num [1:9911] -0.05109 -0.45439 2.03984 5.2928 0.00392 ...
$ logfc : tibble [9,911 × 11] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
..$ source : chr [1:9911] "B" "B" "B" "B" ...
.. ..- attr(*, "levels")= chr [1:8] "B" "Epithelial" "Macrophages" "Mast" ...
..$ target : chr [1:9911] "B" "B" "B" "B" ...
.. ..- attr(*, "levels")= chr [1:8] "B" "Epithelial" "Macrophages" "Mast" ...
..$ ligand.complex : chr [1:9911] "HLA-B" "HLA-A" "FCER2" "FCER2" ...
..$ ligand : chr [1:9911] "HLA-B" "HLA-A" "FCER2" "FCER2" ...
..$ receptor.complex: chr [1:9911] "LILRB1" "LILRB1" "ITGAX_ITGB2" "CR2" ...
..$ receptor : chr [1:9911] "LILRB1" "LILRB1" "ITGB2" "CR2" ...
..$ receptor.prop : num [1:9911] 0.111 0.111 0.111 0.111 0.111 ...
..$ ligand.prop : num [1:9911] 0.889 0.778 0.222 0.222 0.222 ...
..$ ligand.log2FC : num [1:9911] -0.1592 -0.5226 0.5339 0.5339 0.0561 ...
..$ receptor.log2FC : num [1:9911] 0.1556 0.1556 -0.5865 0.2353 0.0102 ...
..$ logfc_comb : num [1:9911] -0.00179 -0.1835 -0.02628 0.38462 0.03316 ...
$ sca : tibble [9,911 × 12] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
..$ source : chr [1:9911] "B" "B" "B" "B" ...
.. ..- attr(*, "levels")= chr [1:8] "B" "Epithelial" "Macrophages" "Mast" ...
..$ target : chr [1:9911] "B" "B" "B" "B" ...
.. ..- attr(*, "levels")= chr [1:8] "B" "Epithelial" "Macrophages" "Mast" ...
..$ ligand.complex : chr [1:9911] "HLA-B" "HLA-A" "FCER2" "FCER2" ...
..$ ligand : chr [1:9911] "HLA-B" "HLA-A" "FCER2" "FCER2" ...
..$ receptor.complex: chr [1:9911] "LILRB1" "LILRB1" "ITGAX_ITGB2" "CR2" ...
..$ receptor : chr [1:9911] "LILRB1" "LILRB1" "ITGAX" "CR2" ...
..$ receptor.prop : num [1:9911] 0.111 0.111 0.111 0.111 0.111 ...
..$ ligand.prop : num [1:9911] 0.889 0.778 0.222 0.222 0.222 ...
..$ ligand.expr : num [1:9911] 2.522 2.043 0.377 0.377 0.34 ...
..$ receptor.expr : num [1:9911] 0.237 0.237 0.345 0.173 0.173 ...
..$ global_mean : num [1:9911] 0.148 0.148 0.148 0.148 0.148 ...
..$ LRscore : num [1:9911] 0.84 0.825 0.71 0.634 0.621 ...
$ cellphonedb: tibble [9,911 × 12] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
..$ source : chr [1:9911] "B" "B" "B" "B" ...
.. ..- attr(*, "levels")= chr [1:8] "B" "Epithelial" "Macrophages" "Mast" ...
..$ target : chr [1:9911] "B" "B" "B" "B" ...
.. ..- attr(*, "levels")= chr [1:8] "B" "Epithelial" "Macrophages" "Mast" ...
..$ ligand.complex : chr [1:9911] "HLA-B" "HLA-A" "FCER2" "FCER2" ...
..$ ligand : chr [1:9911] "HLA-B" "HLA-A" "FCER2" "FCER2" ...
..$ receptor.complex: chr [1:9911] "LILRB1" "LILRB1" "ITGAX_ITGB2" "CR2" ...
..$ receptor : chr [1:9911] "LILRB1" "LILRB1" "ITGAX" "CR2" ...
..$ receptor.prop : num [1:9911] 0.111 0.111 0.111 0.111 0.111 ...
..$ ligand.prop : num [1:9911] 0.889 0.778 0.222 0.222 0.222 ...
..$ ligand.expr : num [1:9911] 2.522 2.043 0.377 0.377 0.34 ...
..$ receptor.expr : num [1:9911] 0.237 0.237 0.345 0.173 0.173 ...
..$ lr.mean : num [1:9911] 1.38 1.14 0.361 0.275 0.256 ...
..$ pvalue : num [1:9911] 0.65 0.99 0.33 0 0.44 0.82 0.19 1 0.95 0.54 ...
LIANA’s Rank Aggregate
LIANA can calculate an aggregate rank for both magnitude
and specificity
as defined above. The rank_aggregate
function of liana uses a re-implementation of the RobustRankAggregate method by Kolde et al., 2012, and generates a probability distribution for ligand-receptors that are ranked consistently better than expected under a null hypothesis. It thus provides a consensus of the rank of the ligand-receptor interactions across methods,
that can also be treated as a p-value.
In more detail, a rank aggregate is calculated for the magnitude
and specificity
scores from the methods in LIANA as follows:
First, a normalized rank matrix[0,1] is generated separately for magnitude and specificity as:
where m
is the number of score rank vectors, n
is the length of each score vector (number of interactions), ranki,j is the rank of the j-th
element (interaction) in the i-th
score rank vector, and max(ranki) is the maximum rank in the i-th
rank vector.
For each normalized rank vector r
, we then ask how probable is it to obtain rnull(k) <= r(k), where rnull(k) is a rank vector generated under the null hypothesis. The RobustRankAggregate method expresses Kolde et al., 2012 the probability rnull(k) <= r(k) as βk,n(r), through a beta distribution. This entails that we obtain probabilities for each score vector r
where we take the minimum probability ρ
for each interaction across the score vectors, and we apply a Bonferroni correction to the p-values by multiplying them by n
to account for multiple testing.
Aggregate scores are also non-negative, which is beneficial for decomposition with Tensor-cell2cell.
Calculate both the magnitude and specificity consensus rank scores:
liana_agg <- rank_aggregate(liana_res = liana_res)
Now aggregating natmi
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: connectome”
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: logfc”
Now aggregating sca
Now aggregating cellphonedb
Aggregating Ranks
Now aggregating natmi
Now aggregating connectome
Now aggregating logfc
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: sca”
Now aggregating cellphonedb
Aggregating Ranks
Here, for each scoring type of specificity and magnitude, we can see the different scores for each method as well as the consensus scores. Consensus scores are delineated by the specificity_rank
and magnitude_rank
source | target | ligand.complex | receptor.complex | magnitude_rank | specificity_rank | magnitude_mean_rank | natmi.prod_weight | sca.LRscore | cellphonedb.lr.mean | specificity_mean_rank | natmi.edge_specificity | connectome.weight_sc | logfc.logfc_comb | cellphonedb.pvalue |
<chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> |
T | NK | B2M | KLRC1 | 3.081547e-12 | 0.0009488783 | 1 | 11.67941 | 0.9585912 | 3.751150 | 733.00 | 0.09416852 | 1.770161 | 1.252456 | 0 |
NK | NK | B2M | KLRC1 | 2.465238e-11 | 0.0009612818 | 2 | 11.62518 | 0.9584987 | 3.738849 | 745.00 | 0.09373123 | 1.746263 | 1.170207 | 0 |
T | NK | B2M | KLRD1 | 8.320177e-11 | 0.0008010236 | 3 | 11.36870 | 0.9580527 | 3.721824 | 651.50 | 0.10434592 | 2.078208 | 1.311870 | 0 |
T | T | B2M | CD3D | 1.972190e-10 | 0.0062312181 | 4 | 11.33366 | 0.9579907 | 3.718518 | 967.25 | 0.06945486 | 1.280943 | 1.291357 | 0 |
NK | NK | B2M | KLRD1 | 3.851934e-10 | 0.0008010236 | 5 | 11.31590 | 0.9579591 | 3.709524 | 665.00 | 0.10386136 | 2.054311 | 1.229621 | 0 |
NK | T | B2M | CD3D | 6.656142e-10 | 0.0063459294 | 6 | 11.28103 | 0.9578969 | 3.706217 | 983.00 | 0.06913233 | 1.257045 | 1.209108 | 0 |
# Pivot to a long format
scores_long <- liana_agg %>%
pivot_longer(cols = -c('source', 'target', 'ligand.complex', 'receptor.complex'),
names_to = 'score', values_to = 'value')
source | target | ligand.complex | receptor.complex | score | value |
<chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <dbl> |
T | NK | B2M | KLRC1 | magnitude_rank | 3.081547e-12 |
T | NK | B2M | KLRC1 | specificity_rank | 9.488783e-04 |
T | NK | B2M | KLRC1 | magnitude_mean_rank | 1.000000e+00 |
T | NK | B2M | KLRC1 | natmi.prod_weight | 1.167941e+01 |
T | NK | B2M | KLRC1 | sca.LRscore | 9.585912e-01 |
T | NK | B2M | KLRC1 | cellphonedb.lr.mean | 3.751150e+00 |
For clarity, here we map each output score (column names in the above dataframe) to the scoring method and scoring type:
Method Name |
Magnitude Score |
Specificity Score |
CellPhoneDB |
lr.mean |
cellphonedb.pvalue |
Connectome |
prod_weight |
weight_sc |
log2FC |
None |
logfc_comb |
prod_weight |
edge_specificity |
SingleCellSignalR (sca) |
LRscore |
None |
Score Distributions
To provide a better illustration of the different scores, we will now plot the distribution of scores for each of the methods.
h_ = 7
w_ = 14
options(repr.plot.height=h_, repr.plot.width=w_)
# keep only method scores
scores_long <- scores_long %>% filter(!stringr::str_detect(score, "rank"))
ggplot(scores_long, aes(x = value, fill = score)) +
geom_density(alpha = 0.5) +
facet_wrap('~score', scales='free', ncol = 3) +

We can also observe the consistency between, for example, the magnitude scores between the various methods. Let’s do so by taking the correlation between them:
h_ = 5
w_ = 6
options(repr.plot.height=h_, repr.plot.width=w_)
magnitude.scores<-c('cellphonedb.lr.mean', 'natmi.prod_weight', 'sca.LRscore')
liana_corr<-cor(x = liana_agg[,magnitude.scores], method = 'spearman', use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
min_cor<-min(liana_corr) - 0.05
col_fun = colorRamp2(c(min_cor, (min_cor + 1)/2, 1), c("white", "royalblue", "slateblue2"))
ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap(liana_corr, heatmap_legend_param = list(title = 'Spearman Correlation'),
col = col_fun)

Overall, there is high consistency between all the communication scores for this sample
This show the extent to which each of the scoring functions differ from each other. Unsurprisingly, independent evaluations have shown that the choice of method and/or resource leads to limited consensus in inferred predictions when using different tools (Dimitrov et al., 2022, Liu et al., 2022, Wang et al., 2022). This is why we have implemented a consensus score that is a rank aggregate of the scores obtained by the different methods, and for the sake of these tutorials we will use this consensus score to rank the interactions, specifically the one that aggregates the magnitude scores from different functions. Aggregate scores are also non-negative, which is beneficial for decomposition with Tensor-cell2cell.
Single-Sample Dotplot
Let’s generate a basic dotplot with the most highly-ranked ligand-receptor interactions for this sample from LIANA’s aggregate scores.
liana_agg_int <- liana_agg %>%
# only keep interactions with p-val <= 0.05
filter(specificity_rank <= 0.05) %>%
distinct_at(c("ligand.complex", "receptor.complex"))
# keep only those interactions that are significant in at least one cell pair, and rank to magnitude
liana_agg <- liana_agg %>%
# keep only the interactions of interest
by = c("ligand.complex", "receptor.complex")) %>%
# then rank according to `magnitude`
Since both lower specificity and lower magnitude consensus rank scores have higher communication importance, we set the invert parameters to TRUE:
h_ = 10
w_ = 17
options(repr.plot.height=h_, repr.plot.width=w_)
source_groups = c('B', 'Macrophages', 'pDC'),
target_groups = c('Mast', 'NK', 'T', 'pDC'),
ntop = 20,
specificity = "specificity_rank",
magnitude = "magnitude_rank",
invert_magnitude = TRUE,
invert_specificity = TRUE

Great! We have now obtained ligand-receptor predictions for a single sample. What we see here is that interactions are predicted across cell types and are typically specific to pairs of cell types.
Note that missing dots here would represent interactions for which the ligand and receptor are expressed below the expr_prop
Run LIANA by Sample
Now that we have familiarized ourselves with how ligand-receptor methods in LIANA work and how the results look by sample, let’s run LIANA on all of the samples in the dataset. These results will be used to generate a tensor of ligand-receptor interactions across contexts that will be decomposed into CCC patterns by Tensor-Cell2cell
This is easily done with liana with the liana_bysample
function. This function takes the same inputs was liana_wrap
, but it will also iterate across samples as specified in the metadata. It also automatically aggregates the scores by specifying aggregate_how
We relax the expr_prop
parameter to have more consistent presence of LR interactions across contexts. See further discussions on the how
parameter in Tutorial 03.
Results are stored in the SCE object as sce@metadata$liana_res
covid_data <- liana_bysample(sce = covid_data,
sample_col = "sample_new", # context dimension column from SCE metadata
idents_col = "cell.type", # cell types column from SCE metadata
expr_prop = 0.1,
assay.type = 'logcounts',
aggregate_how = 'both',
verbose = TRUE,
permutation.params=list(nperms=100), parallelize = TRUE, workers = 30
`sample_new` was converted to a factor!
Current sample: HC1
Running LIANA with `cell.type` as labels!
`Idents` were converted to factor
Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Plasma were removed!Cell identities with less than 5 cells: pDC were removed!
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“5711 genes and/or 0 cells were removed as they had no counts!”
LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!
Now Running: Natmi
Now Running: Connectome
Now Running: Logfc
Now Running: Sca
Now Running: Cellphonedb
Now aggregating natmi
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: connectome”
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: logfc”
Now aggregating sca
Now aggregating cellphonedb
Aggregating Ranks
Now aggregating natmi
Now aggregating connectome
Now aggregating logfc
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: sca”
Now aggregating cellphonedb
Aggregating Ranks
Current sample: HC2
Running LIANA with `cell.type` as labels!
`Idents` were converted to factor
Cell identities with less than 5 cells: NK were removed!Cell identities with less than 5 cells: pDC were removed!
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“6729 genes and/or 0 cells were removed as they had no counts!”
LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!
Now Running: Natmi
Now Running: Connectome
Now Running: Logfc
Now Running: Sca
Now Running: Cellphonedb
Now aggregating natmi
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: connectome”
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: logfc”
Now aggregating sca
Now aggregating cellphonedb
Aggregating Ranks
Now aggregating natmi
Now aggregating connectome
Now aggregating logfc
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: sca”
Now aggregating cellphonedb
Aggregating Ranks
Current sample: HC3
Running LIANA with `cell.type` as labels!
`Idents` were converted to factor
Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Plasma were removed!
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“5591 genes and/or 0 cells were removed as they had no counts!”
LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!
Now Running: Natmi
Now Running: Connectome
Now Running: Logfc
Now Running: Sca
Now Running: Cellphonedb
Now aggregating natmi
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: connectome”
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: logfc”
Now aggregating sca
Now aggregating cellphonedb
Aggregating Ranks
Now aggregating natmi
Now aggregating connectome
Now aggregating logfc
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: sca”
Now aggregating cellphonedb
Aggregating Ranks
Current sample: M1
Running LIANA with `cell.type` as labels!
`Idents` were converted to factor
Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Mast were removed!Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Neutrophil were removed!
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“3140 genes and/or 0 cells were removed as they had no counts!”
LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!
Now Running: Natmi
Now Running: Connectome
Now Running: Logfc
Now Running: Sca
Now Running: Cellphonedb
Now aggregating natmi
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: connectome”
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: logfc”
Now aggregating sca
Now aggregating cellphonedb
Aggregating Ranks
Now aggregating natmi
Now aggregating connectome
Now aggregating logfc
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: sca”
Now aggregating cellphonedb
Aggregating Ranks
Current sample: M2
Running LIANA with `cell.type` as labels!
`Idents` were converted to factor
Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Mast were removed!Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Neutrophil were removed!Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Plasma were removed!
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“3362 genes and/or 0 cells were removed as they had no counts!”
LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!
Now Running: Natmi
Now Running: Connectome
Now Running: Logfc
Now Running: Sca
Now Running: Cellphonedb
Now aggregating natmi
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: connectome”
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: logfc”
Now aggregating sca
Now aggregating cellphonedb
Aggregating Ranks
Now aggregating natmi
Now aggregating connectome
Now aggregating logfc
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: sca”
Now aggregating cellphonedb
Aggregating Ranks
Current sample: M3
Running LIANA with `cell.type` as labels!
`Idents` were converted to factor
Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Mast were removed!Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Neutrophil were removed!Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Plasma were removed!Cell identities with less than 5 cells: pDC were removed!
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“8374 genes and/or 0 cells were removed as they had no counts!”
LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!
Now Running: Natmi
Now Running: Connectome
Now Running: Logfc
Now Running: Sca
Now Running: Cellphonedb
Now aggregating natmi
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: connectome”
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: logfc”
Now aggregating sca
Now aggregating cellphonedb
Aggregating Ranks
Now aggregating natmi
Now aggregating connectome
Now aggregating logfc
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: sca”
Now aggregating cellphonedb
Aggregating Ranks
Current sample: S1
Running LIANA with `cell.type` as labels!
`Idents` were converted to factor
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“2524 genes and/or 0 cells were removed as they had no counts!”
LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!
Now Running: Natmi
Now Running: Connectome
Now Running: Logfc
Now Running: Sca
Now Running: Cellphonedb
Now aggregating natmi
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: connectome”
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: logfc”
Now aggregating sca
Now aggregating cellphonedb
Aggregating Ranks
Now aggregating natmi
Now aggregating connectome
Now aggregating logfc
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: sca”
Now aggregating cellphonedb
Aggregating Ranks
Current sample: S2
Running LIANA with `cell.type` as labels!
`Idents` were converted to factor
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“1629 genes and/or 0 cells were removed as they had no counts!”
LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!
Now Running: Natmi
Now Running: Connectome
Now Running: Logfc
Now Running: Sca
Now Running: Cellphonedb
Now aggregating natmi
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: connectome”
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: logfc”
Now aggregating sca
Now aggregating cellphonedb
Aggregating Ranks
Now aggregating natmi
Now aggregating connectome
Now aggregating logfc
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: sca”
Now aggregating cellphonedb
Aggregating Ranks
Current sample: S3
Running LIANA with `cell.type` as labels!
`Idents` were converted to factor
Cell identities with less than 5 cells: B were removed!Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Plasma were removed!
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“4639 genes and/or 0 cells were removed as they had no counts!”
LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!
Now Running: Natmi
Now Running: Connectome
Now Running: Logfc
Now Running: Sca
Now Running: Cellphonedb
Now aggregating natmi
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: connectome”
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: logfc”
Now aggregating sca
Now aggregating cellphonedb
Aggregating Ranks
Now aggregating natmi
Now aggregating connectome
Now aggregating logfc
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: sca”
Now aggregating cellphonedb
Aggregating Ranks
Current sample: S4
Running LIANA with `cell.type` as labels!
`Idents` were converted to factor
Cell identities with less than 5 cells: B were removed!Cell identities with less than 5 cells: pDC were removed!
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“3792 genes and/or 0 cells were removed as they had no counts!”
LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!
Now Running: Natmi
Now Running: Connectome
Now Running: Logfc
Now Running: Sca
Now Running: Cellphonedb
Now aggregating natmi
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: connectome”
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: logfc”
Now aggregating sca
Now aggregating cellphonedb
Aggregating Ranks
Now aggregating natmi
Now aggregating connectome
Now aggregating logfc
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: sca”
Now aggregating cellphonedb
Aggregating Ranks
Current sample: S5
Running LIANA with `cell.type` as labels!
`Idents` were converted to factor
Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Plasma were removed!
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“4238 genes and/or 0 cells were removed as they had no counts!”
LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!
Now Running: Natmi
Now Running: Connectome
Now Running: Logfc
Now Running: Sca
Now Running: Cellphonedb
Now aggregating natmi
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: connectome”
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: logfc”
Now aggregating sca
Now aggregating cellphonedb
Aggregating Ranks
Now aggregating natmi
Now aggregating connectome
Now aggregating logfc
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: sca”
Now aggregating cellphonedb
Aggregating Ranks
Current sample: S6
Running LIANA with `cell.type` as labels!
`Idents` were converted to factor
Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Mast were removed!Cell identities with less than 5 cells: pDC were removed!
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“3449 genes and/or 0 cells were removed as they had no counts!”
LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!
Now Running: Natmi
Now Running: Connectome
Now Running: Logfc
Now Running: Sca
Now Running: Cellphonedb
Now aggregating natmi
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: connectome”
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: logfc”
Now aggregating sca
Now aggregating cellphonedb
Aggregating Ranks
Now aggregating natmi
Now aggregating connectome
Now aggregating logfc
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“Unknown method name or missing specifics for: sca”
Now aggregating cellphonedb
Aggregating Ranks
Check the results
Here, we can combine the results and see that they look very similar as before with the exception that we have an additional column for the sample name, and the results are now by sample.
liana_res <- covid_data@metadata$liana_res %>%
bind_rows(.id = "sample_new") %>%
mutate(sample_new = factor(sample_new, levels = unique(sample_new)))
sample_new | source | target | ligand.complex | receptor.complex | magnitude_rank | specificity_rank | magnitude_mean_rank | natmi.prod_weight | sca.LRscore | cellphonedb.lr.mean | specificity_mean_rank | natmi.edge_specificity | connectome.weight_sc | logfc.logfc_comb | cellphonedb.pvalue |
<fct> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> |
HC1 | T | NK | B2M | CD3D | 3.983438e-11 | 0.0134542495 | 1.000000 | 8.059861 | 0.9610254 | 3.410586 | 487.75 | 0.08327606 | 1.3008562 | 0.8719799 | 0 |
HC1 | Macrophages | NK | B2M | CD3D | 3.186750e-10 | 0.0135072450 | 2.000000 | 8.059599 | 0.9610248 | 3.410500 | 487.00 | 0.08327335 | 1.3005565 | 0.8832177 | 0 |
HC1 | NK | NK | B2M | CD3D | 4.979297e-09 | 0.0181475450 | 3.666667 | 7.614378 | 0.9599465 | 3.264099 | 571.25 | 0.07867324 | 0.7909129 | 0.6978778 | 0 |
HC1 | T | NK | B2M | KLRD1 | 1.366319e-08 | 0.0003588748 | 5.666667 | 6.865250 | 0.9579074 | 3.297900 | 211.75 | 0.17129308 | 6.9609202 | 0.8624079 | 0 |
HC1 | B | NK | B2M | CD3D | 2.039520e-08 | 0.0192306877 | 5.333333 | 7.518543 | 0.9597023 | 3.232586 | 595.00 | 0.07768305 | 0.6812107 | 0.6910179 | 0 |
HC1 | Macrophages | NK | B2M | KLRD1 | 2.039520e-08 | 0.0003588748 | 6.666667 | 6.865027 | 0.9579067 | 3.297814 | 210.75 | 0.17128751 | 6.9606205 | 0.8736456 | 0 |
We can also generate a DotPlot for each sample. Let’s pick the first two distinct interaction in the list, and see what they look like.
ligand_complex <- 'B2M'
receptor_complex <- c('CD3D', 'KLRD1')
source_labels <- c("B", "pDC", "Macrophages")
target_labels <- c("T", "Mast", "pDC", "NK")
sample_key <- 'sample_new'
colour <- 'magnitude_rank'
size <- "specificity_rank"
Filter to interactions of interest, and invert the specificity and magnitude ranks to have higher scores indicate higher communication importance.
lv <- liana_res %>%
filter(source %in% source_labels) %>%
filter(target %in% target_labels) %>%
filter(ligand.complex %in% ligand_complex) %>%
filter(receptor.complex %in% receptor_complex) %>%
unite(lr.pairs, ligand.complex, receptor.complex, sep = ' -> ') %>%
mutate(lr.pairs = factor(lr.pairs, levels = unique(lr.pairs))) %>%
# inverse ranks
mutate_at(vars(specificity_rank, magnitude_rank), ~-log10(. + 1e-10))
h_ = 7
w_ = 15
options(repr.plot.height=h_, repr.plot.width=w_)
ggplot(lv, aes(x = target, y = source, color = .data[[colour]], size=.data[[size]])) +
geom_point() +
facet_wrap(sample_new ~ lr.pairs, ncol = 12, scales='free_x') +

Here, we can already see that the ligand-receptor interactions are not only specific to cell types, but also to samples or contexts (see B2M -> KLRD1 in samples M1, M2, M3). However, we can also see that this plot, even with just two ligand-receptor interactions visualized, starts to get a bit overwhelming. To this end, to make the most use of the hypothesis-free nature of the ligand-receptor interactions, in the next chapter we will use Tensor-Cell2cell
to decompose the
ligand-receptor interactions into interpretable CCC patterns across contexts.
Save Results for Tensor-Cell2cell.
saveRDS(covid_data@metadata$liana_res, file.path(output_folder, 'LIANA_by_sample_R.rds'))
Supplementary Information about LIANA
Key Parameters
We already covered some of the parameters in LIANA, that can be used to customize the results. Here, we will go in more detail over some of the most important ones.
enable the user to select the resource that they want to use for CCC inference. By default, liana will use the ‘consensus’ resource which combines a number of expert-curated ligand-receptor resources. However, one can also use the ‘cellphonedb’ resource, any of the resources that are available within liana by passing theirresource_name
(See below). Additionally, the user can pass their own resource via theresource
parameter, which expects a pandas DataFrame.
- 'Default'
- 'Consensus'
- 'Baccin2019'
- 'CellCall'
- 'CellChatDB'
- 'Cellinker'
- 'CellPhoneDB'
- 'CellTalkDB'
- 'connectomeDB2020'
- 'Guide2Pharma'
- 'HPMR'
- 'iTALK'
- 'Kirouac2010'
- 'LRdb'
- 'Ramilowski2015'
- 'OmniPath'
- 'MouseConsensus'
which we also used before is the proportion of cells that need to express a ligand-receptor pair for it to be considered as a potential ligand-receptor pair. This is a parameter that can be used to filter out lowly-expressed ligand-receptor pairs. This is common practice in CCC inference at the cluster level, as we make the assumption that the event occurs for all cells within that clusters.return_all_lrs
is related to theexpr_prop
parameter. Ifreturn_all_lrs
is set toTrue
, then all ligand-receptor pairs will be returned, regardless of whether they are expressed above theexpr_prop
threshold. This is useful if one wants to use theexpr_prop
parameter to filter out lowly-expressed ligand-receptor pairs, but still wants to see the scores for all ligand-receptor pairs.
In addition to those parameters liana provides a number of other utility parameters as well as some method-specific ones, please refer to the documentation for more information.
Working with Seurat objects
library(Seurat, quietly = TRUE)
Attaching SeuratObject
Seurat v4 was just loaded with SeuratObject v5; disabling v5 assays and
validation routines, and ensuring assays work in strict v3/v4
compatibility mode
Attaching package: ‘Seurat’
The following object is masked from ‘package:SummarizedExperiment’:
Load the Seurat object from the Supplementary Tutorial
covid_data <- readRDS(file.path(data.path, 'covid_balf_norm_seurat.rds'))
To run on one sample is the same syntax as using a SCE object:
# pick a sample to infer the communication scores for
sdata.so = subset(x = covid_data, subset = sample == 'C100')
Note, we can easily convert a Seurat object to a SingleCellExperiment object if preferred for easier compatibility with LIANA:
sdata.sce <- Seurat::as.SingleCellExperiment(sdata.so)
Run LIANA on the Seurat object for one sample:
liana_res <- liana_wrap(sce = sdata.sce,
# assay='RNA', # specify the Seurat assay
assay.type = 'logcounts',
verbose=T)#, parallelize = T, workers = 30)
Running LIANA with `celltype` as labels!
Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Plasma were removed!
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“5591 genes and/or 0 cells were removed as they had no counts!”
LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!
Now Running: Natmi
Now Running: Connectome
Now Running: Logfc
Now Running: Sca
Now Running: Cellphonedb
Note, by default, LIANA runs all the available scoring methods. You can select only certain methods to run by specifiying the method
argument. For example, if you only wanted to run CellPhoneDB and NATMI, you could specify it in as method = c('cellphonedb', 'natmi')
within the liana_wrap
function above.
Additionally, if you want to just rank by the magnitude or the specificity, rather than both, you can use the following. Here, since we filtered for only CellPhoneDB and NATMI in the cell above, this will only calculate a consensus score for those two methods. Since both these methods return a magnitude and specifity score, a consensus score can be calculated for each score type.
liana_aggregate.magnitude <- liana_aggregate(liana_res = liana_res, aggregate_how='magnitude', verbose = F)
liana_aggregate.specificity <- liana_aggregate(liana_res = liana_res, aggregate_how='specificity', verbose = F)
does not work directly on Seurat objects. However, we can manually iterate through samples to create a context_df_dict
dictionary (named list) which can be used as input to the liana_tensor_c2c
function used to build the tensor in Tutorial 03:
for (sample.name in sort(unique(covid_data$sample_new))){
sdata_ = subset(x = covid_data, subset = sample_new == sample.name)
sdata.sce <- Seurat::as.SingleCellExperiment(sdata_)
liana_res_ <- liana_wrap(sce = sdata.sce,
# assay='RNA', # specify the Seurat assay
assay.type = 'logcounts',
verbose=T)#, parallelize = T, workers = 30)
liana_aggregate.magnitude_ <- liana_aggregate(liana_res = liana_res_, aggregate_how='magnitude', verbose = F)
# retain only the aggregate magnitude rank score
# and format for input to liana_tensor_c2c function
colnames(liana_aggregate.magnitude_)<-c('source', 'target', 'ligand.complex', 'receptor.complex', 'magnitude_rank')
Running LIANA with `celltype` as labels!
Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Plasma were removed!Cell identities with less than 5 cells: pDC were removed!
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“5711 genes and/or 0 cells were removed as they had no counts!”
LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!
Now Running: Natmi
Now Running: Connectome
Now Running: Logfc
Now Running: Sca
Now Running: Cellphonedb
Running LIANA with `celltype` as labels!
Cell identities with less than 5 cells: NK were removed!Cell identities with less than 5 cells: pDC were removed!
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“6729 genes and/or 0 cells were removed as they had no counts!”
LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!
Now Running: Natmi
Now Running: Connectome
Now Running: Logfc
Now Running: Sca
Now Running: Cellphonedb
Running LIANA with `celltype` as labels!
Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Plasma were removed!
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“5591 genes and/or 0 cells were removed as they had no counts!”
LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!
Now Running: Natmi
Now Running: Connectome
Now Running: Logfc
Now Running: Sca
Now Running: Cellphonedb
Running LIANA with `celltype` as labels!
Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Mast were removed!Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Neutrophil were removed!
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“3124 genes and/or 0 cells were removed as they had no counts!”
LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!
Now Running: Natmi
Now Running: Connectome
Now Running: Logfc
Now Running: Sca
Now Running: Cellphonedb
Running LIANA with `celltype` as labels!
Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Mast were removed!Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Neutrophil were removed!Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Plasma were removed!
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“3362 genes and/or 0 cells were removed as they had no counts!”
LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!
Now Running: Natmi
Now Running: Connectome
Now Running: Logfc
Now Running: Sca
Now Running: Cellphonedb
Running LIANA with `celltype` as labels!
Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Mast were removed!Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Neutrophil were removed!Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Plasma were removed!Cell identities with less than 5 cells: pDC were removed!
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“8374 genes and/or 0 cells were removed as they had no counts!”
LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!
Now Running: Natmi
Now Running: Connectome
Now Running: Logfc
Now Running: Sca
Now Running: Cellphonedb
Running LIANA with `celltype` as labels!
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“2524 genes and/or 0 cells were removed as they had no counts!”
LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!
Now Running: Natmi
Now Running: Connectome
Now Running: Logfc
Now Running: Sca
Now Running: Cellphonedb
Running LIANA with `celltype` as labels!
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“1629 genes and/or 0 cells were removed as they had no counts!”
LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!
Now Running: Natmi
Now Running: Connectome
Now Running: Logfc
Now Running: Sca
Now Running: Cellphonedb
Running LIANA with `celltype` as labels!
Cell identities with less than 5 cells: B were removed!Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Plasma were removed!
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“4639 genes and/or 0 cells were removed as they had no counts!”
LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!
Now Running: Natmi
Now Running: Connectome
Now Running: Logfc
Now Running: Sca
Now Running: Cellphonedb
Running LIANA with `celltype` as labels!
Cell identities with less than 5 cells: B were removed!Cell identities with less than 5 cells: pDC were removed!
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“3792 genes and/or 0 cells were removed as they had no counts!”
LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!
Now Running: Natmi
Now Running: Connectome
Now Running: Logfc
Now Running: Sca
Now Running: Cellphonedb
Running LIANA with `celltype` as labels!
Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Plasma were removed!
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“4238 genes and/or 0 cells were removed as they had no counts!”
LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!
Now Running: Natmi
Now Running: Connectome
Now Running: Logfc
Now Running: Sca
Now Running: Cellphonedb
Running LIANA with `celltype` as labels!
Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Mast were removed!Cell identities with less than 5 cells: pDC were removed!
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“3449 genes and/or 0 cells were removed as they had no counts!”
LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!
Now Running: Natmi
Now Running: Connectome
Now Running: Logfc
Now Running: Sca
Now Running: Cellphonedb
The output of this function can directly be input to the liana_tensor_c2c
function used in Tutorial 03. For more details, see liana’s tensor-cell2cell tutorial.
If you are curious how the communication score outputs compare between R and python, check out this Supplementary Tutorial)
Alternative Resources
In addition to the resources already provided with LIANA, one can also use their own resource. This can be done by passing a tibble to the resource
parameter. The DataFrame should have the following columns: ligand
, receptor
, where subunits are separated by _
Let’s load the immune-focused resource by Noël et al., 2021 for obtained from https://github.com/LewisLabUCSD/Ligand-Receptor-Pairs:
resource = as_tibble(read.csv("../../data/Human-2020-Noël-LR-pairs.csv"))
Ligand.1 | Ligand.2 | Receptor.1 | Receptor.2 | Receptor.3 | Alias | Family | Subfamily | Classifications | Source.for.interaction | PubMed.ID | Comments |
<chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> |
HLA-A | LILRB1 | Antigen binding | Antigen binding | 9285411; 9382880 | |||||||
HLA-B | LILRB1 | Antigen binding | Antigen binding | 9285411; 9382880 | |||||||
HLA-C | LILRB1 | Antigen binding | Antigen binding | 9285411; 9382880 | |||||||
HLA-F | LILRB1 | Antigen binding | Antigen binding | 9285411; 9382880 | |||||||
HLA-G | LILRB1 | Antigen binding | Antigen binding | 9285411; 9382880 | |||||||
IGHG1 | IGLC1 | FCGR3B | Antigen binding | Antigen binding | 10917521 |
Now we need to just change it to be the same format as any other resource in liana, for example:
head(liana::select_resource('Consensus')[['Consensus']])[c('source_genesymbol', 'target_genesymbol')]
source_genesymbol | target_genesymbol |
<chr> | <chr> |
LGALS9 | CD44 |
LGALS9 | CD47 |
# Unite ligand1 and ligand2 into complexes acc to liana input, and do the same for receptor1 and receptor2
resource[['source_genesymbol']]<-ifelse(resource$Ligand.2 != "",
paste(resource$Ligand.1, resource$Ligand.2, sep = '_'),
resource[['target_genesymbol']]<-ifelse(resource$Receptor.2 != "",
paste(resource$Receptor.1, resource$Receptor.2, sep = '_'),
resource<-resource[c('source_genesymbol', 'target_genesymbol')]
source_genesymbol | target_genesymbol |
<chr> | <chr> |
# run with any method, in this case singlecellsignalr
liana_res <- liana_wrap(sce = sdata,
resource = 'custom',
external_resource = resource,
method = c('sca'),
idents_col = 'cell.type',
assay.type = 'logcounts',
verbose=TRUE, parallelize = TRUE , workers = 30
Running LIANA with `cell.type` as labels!
`Idents` were converted to factor
Cell identities with less than 5 cells: Plasma were removed!
Warning message in exec(output, ...):
“5591 genes and/or 0 cells were removed as they had no counts!”
LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!
Now Running: Sca
source | target | ligand.complex | ligand | receptor.complex | receptor | receptor.prop | ligand.prop | ligand.expr | receptor.expr | global_mean | LRscore |
<chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> |
Mast | mDC | MIF | MIF | CD74 | CD74 | 1.0000000 | 0.6666667 | 0.9509945 | 4.767054 | 0.1476283 | 0.9351602 |
Mast | pDC | MIF | MIF | CD74 | CD74 | 1.0000000 | 0.6666667 | 0.9509945 | 4.359042 | 0.1476283 | 0.9323941 |
Mast | Macrophages | MIF | MIF | CD74 | CD74 | 0.9934410 | 0.6666667 | 0.9509945 | 4.029520 | 0.1476283 | 0.9298742 |
Mast | B | MIF | MIF | CD74 | CD74 | 0.8888889 | 0.6666667 | 0.9509945 | 3.754743 | 0.1476283 | 0.9275362 |
NK | mDC | MIF | MIF | CD74 | CD74 | 1.0000000 | 0.3548387 | 0.6648595 | 4.767054 | 0.1476283 | 0.9234259 |
NK | pDC | MIF | MIF | CD74 | CD74 | 1.0000000 | 0.3548387 | 0.6648595 | 4.359042 | 0.1476283 | 0.9202020 |
source | target | ligand.complex | ligand | receptor.complex | receptor | receptor.prop | ligand.prop | ligand.expr | receptor.expr | global_mean | LRscore |
<chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> |
Epithelial | Macrophages | CXCL3 | CXCL3 | CXCR2 | CXCR2 | 0.1180626 | 0.1538462 | 0.19234076 | 0.06234765 | 0.1476283 | 0.4258753 |
mDC | Macrophages | ICOSLG | ICOSLG | ICOS | ICOS | 0.1609485 | 0.1456311 | 0.12423538 | 0.09090516 | 0.1476283 | 0.4185569 |
Macrophages | mDC | JAG1 | JAG1 | NOTCH1 | NOTCH1 | 0.1941748 | 0.1115035 | 0.06293294 | 0.16774311 | 0.1476283 | 0.4103676 |
B | Macrophages | MIF | MIF | CXCR2 | CXCR2 | 0.1180626 | 0.1111111 | 0.15950804 | 0.06234765 | 0.1476283 | 0.4031668 |
pDC | Macrophages | CXCL8 | CXCL8 | CXCR2 | CXCR2 | 0.1180626 | 0.1666667 | 0.15577434 | 0.06234765 | 0.1476283 | 0.4003204 |
Macrophages | Macrophages | ICOSLG | ICOSLG | ICOS | ICOS | 0.1609485 | 0.1099899 | 0.05815423 | 0.09090516 | 0.1476283 | 0.3299879 |