S4. Identify CCC patterns from spatial transcriptomics
This tutorial illustrates how LIANA and Tensor-cell2cell can be used to explore cell-cell communication in distinct regions of a tissue using spatial transcriptomics. Here each region of the tissue is treated as a separate context.
Initial Setups
Enabling GPU use
First, if you are using a NVIDIA GPU with CUDA cores, set use_gpu=True
and enable PyTorch with the following code block. Otherwise, set use_gpu=False
or skip this part
use_gpu = True
if use_gpu:
import tensorly as tl
Then, import all the packages we will use in this tutorial:
import cell2cell as c2c
import decoupler as dc
import liana as li
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scanpy as sc
import squidpy as sq
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform
import warnings
Afterwards, specify the data and output directories:
output_folder = '../../data/spatial/'
../../data/spatial/ was created successfully.
Load data
Similar to the tutorial of using LIANA and MISTy, we will use an ischemic 10X Visium spatial slide from Kuppe et al., 2022. It is a tissue sample obtained from a patient with myocardial infarction, specifically focusing on the ischemic zone of the heart tissue.
The slide provides spatially-resolved information about the cellular composition and gene expression patterns within the tissue.
adata = sc.read("kuppe_heart19.h5ad", backup_url='https://figshare.com/ndownloader/files/41501073?private_link=4744950f8768d5c8f68c')
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 4113 × 17703
obs: 'in_tissue', 'array_row', 'array_col', 'sample', 'n_genes_by_counts', 'log1p_n_genes_by_counts', 'total_counts', 'log1p_total_counts', 'pct_counts_in_top_50_genes', 'pct_counts_in_top_100_genes', 'pct_counts_in_top_200_genes', 'pct_counts_in_top_500_genes', 'mt_frac', 'celltype_niche', 'molecular_niche'
var: 'gene_ids', 'feature_types', 'genome', 'SYMBOL', 'n_cells_by_counts', 'mean_counts', 'log1p_mean_counts', 'pct_dropout_by_counts', 'total_counts', 'log1p_total_counts', 'mt', 'rps', 'mrp', 'rpl', 'duplicated'
uns: 'spatial'
obsm: 'compositions', 'mt', 'spatial'
Process data
Normalize data
adata.layers['counts'] = adata.X.copy()
sc.pp.normalize_total(adata, target_sum=1e4)
Visualize spot clusters or niches. These niches were defined by clustering spots from their cellular composition deconvoluted by using cell2location (Kuppe et al., 2022).
sq.pl.spatial_scatter(adata, color=[None, 'celltype_niche'], size=1.3, palette='Set1')

Cellular composition obtained from cell2location
# Rename to more informative names
full_names = {'Adipo': 'Adipocytes',
'CM': 'Cardiomyocytes',
'Endo': 'Endothelial',
'Fib': 'Fibroblasts',
'PC': 'Pericytes',
'prolif': 'Proliferating',
'vSMCs': 'Vascular_SMCs',
# but only for the ones that are in the data
adata.obsm['compositions'].columns = [full_names.get(c, c) for c in adata.obsm['compositions'].columns]
comps = li.ut.obsm_to_adata(adata, 'compositions')
Adipocytes |
Cardiomyocytes |
Endothelial |
Fibroblasts |
Lymphoid |
Mast |
Myeloid |
Neuronal |
Pericytes |
Proliferating |
Vascular_SMCs |
# check key cell types
'Endothelial', 'Fibroblasts'],
size=1.3, ncols=2, img_alpha=0

adata_og = adata.copy()
Defining spatial contexts in the tissue
For defining spatial contexts within a tissue using spatial transcriptomics we simply divide the tissue in different regions through a square grid of a specific number of bins in each of the axes.
In this case, we divide our tissue into a 4x4 grid. A new column will be create in the adata
object, specifically adata.obs['grid_cell']
, to assign each spot or cell a grid window.
num_bins = 4
c2c.spatial.create_spatial_grid(adata, num_bins=num_bins)
sq.pl.spatial_scatter(adata, color='grid_cell', size=1.3, palette='tab20')
... storing 'grid_cell' as categorical

Here, cells or spots in one grid window do not get to interact with those that are within other grid windows, ignoring that cells in the interfaces between grid windows could also interact. For accounting for those cases, more complex approaches could be employed, as for example a sliding window strategy for defining contexts. In that case, spatial contexts will present some overlap in the cells or spots that are within them.
For simplicity we only tried the grid approach, which could be replaced by the sliding windows method, but it would also require to account for the overlap between spatial contexts. If you are interested in trying out this approach, see cell2cell.spatial.neighborhood.create_sliding_windows()
and cell2cell.spatial.neighborhood.add_sliding_window_info_to_adata()
Deciphering cell-cell communication
Here we run LIANA to compute interactions between spots or cells aggregated by their corresponding cluster/niche annotations. Interactions are computed for each spatial context (grid window) by considering only cells annotated with such spatial context in the grid_cell
column in the adata.obs
In this case we use the CellPhoneDB list of ligand-receptor interactions, and the CellPhoneDB method to infer CCC.
cell_group = 'celltype_niche'
lr_pairs = li.resource.select_resource('cellchatdb')
li.mt.cellphonedb.by_sample(adata, resource=lr_pairs, groupby=cell_group, sample_key='grid_cell',
expr_prop=0.1, use_raw=False, verbose=True)
Now running: 3_3: 100%|█████████████████████████| 16/16 [01:16<00:00, 4.78s/it]
The results are located here:
spatial_liana = adata.uns['liana_res']
grid_cell | ligand | ligand_complex | ligand_means | ligand_props | receptor | receptor_complex | receptor_means | receptor_props | source | target | lr_means | cellphone_pvals | |
0 | 0_0 | FN1 | FN1 | 4.556507 | 1.000000 | ITGAV | ITGAV_ITGB1 | 2.021336 | 1.00 | ctniche_1 | ctniche_3 | 3.288921 | 0.083 |
1 | 0_0 | FN1 | FN1 | 4.556507 | 1.000000 | ITGAV | ITGAV_ITGB1 | 1.928708 | 1.00 | ctniche_1 | ctniche_7 | 3.242608 | 0.155 |
2 | 0_0 | FN1 | FN1 | 4.342961 | 1.000000 | ITGAV | ITGAV_ITGB1 | 2.021336 | 1.00 | ctniche_3 | ctniche_3 | 3.182149 | 0.299 |
3 | 0_0 | FN1 | FN1 | 4.312120 | 1.000000 | ITGAV | ITGAV_ITGB1 | 2.021336 | 1.00 | ctniche_7 | ctniche_3 | 3.166728 | 0.374 |
4 | 0_0 | FN1 | FN1 | 4.342961 | 1.000000 | ITGAV | ITGAV_ITGB1 | 1.928708 | 1.00 | ctniche_3 | ctniche_7 | 3.135835 | 0.499 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
195553 | 3_3 | WNT3 | WNT3 | 0.064199 | 0.200000 | LRP6 | FZD6_LRP6 | 0.081630 | 0.20 | ctniche_3 | ctniche_3 | 0.072915 | 0.538 |
195554 | 3_3 | WNT3 | WNT3 | 0.064199 | 0.200000 | LRP6 | FZD1_LRP6 | 0.081630 | 0.20 | ctniche_3 | ctniche_3 | 0.072915 | 0.538 |
195555 | 3_3 | WNT3 | WNT3 | 0.064199 | 0.200000 | LRP6 | FZD8_LRP6 | 0.081630 | 0.20 | ctniche_3 | ctniche_3 | 0.072915 | 0.538 |
195556 | 3_3 | POMC | POMC | 0.052017 | 0.104478 | MC1R | MC1R | 0.078427 | 0.11 | ctniche_4 | ctniche_5 | 0.065222 | 0.644 |
195557 | 3_3 | SEMA3A | SEMA3A | 0.064199 | 0.200000 | PLXNA4 | NRP1_PLXNA4 | 0.064199 | 0.20 | ctniche_3 | ctniche_3 | 0.064199 | 0.116 |
195558 rows × 13 columns
Using LIANA results to build a 4D-communication tensor, with grid windows as the contexts in the 4th dimension.
tensor = li.multi.to_tensor_c2c(liana_res=spatial_liana, # LIANA's dataframe containing results
sample_key='grid_cell', # Column name of the samples
source_key='source', # Column name of the sender cells
target_key='target', # Column name of the receiver cells
ligand_key='ligand_complex', # Column name of the ligands
receptor_key='receptor_complex', # Column name of the receptors
score_key='lr_means', # Column name of the communication scores to use
inverse_fun=None, # Transformation function
how='outer', # What to include across all samples
outer_fraction=1/4., # Fraction of samples as threshold to include cells and LR pairs.
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████| 16/16 [00:19<00:00, 1.21s/it]
Metadata for coloring the elements in the tensor.
Here we do not assign major groups, each element is colored separately.
dimensions_dict = [None, None, None, None]
meta_tensor = c2c.tensor.generate_tensor_metadata(interaction_tensor=tensor,
Tensor properties
torch.Size([16, 700, 9, 9])
Run Tensor-cell2cell pipeline
For simplicity, we factorize the tensor into 8 factors or CCC patterns instead of using the elbow analysis to determine the number of factors.
rank=8, # Number of factors to perform the factorization. If None, it is automatically determined by an elbow analysis
tf_optimization='regular', # To define how robust we want the analysis to be.
random_state=0, # Random seed for reproducibility
device='cuda', # Device to use. If using GPU and PyTorch, use 'cuda'. For CPU use 'cpu'
cmaps=['plasma', 'Dark2_r', 'Set1', 'Set1'],
output_folder=output_folder, # Whether to save the figures in files. If so, a folder pathname must be passed
Running Tensor Factorization
Generating Outputs
Loadings of the tensor factorization were successfully saved into ../../data/spatial//Loadings.xlsx
<cell2cell.tensor.tensor.PreBuiltTensor at 0x7f9a75deb3d0>

Visualize CCC patterns in space
Each factor or CCC pattern contains loadings for the context dimension. These loadings could be mapped for each spot or cell depending on what spatial context (grid window) they belong to. Thus, we can visualize the importance of each context in each of the factors, and see how the CCC patterns behave in space.
This behavior in space is useful to understand what set of LR pairs are used by determinant sender-receiver spot pairs in each region of the tissue. Regions with higher scores, indicate that LR pairs of that factor are used more there by the senders and receivers with high loadings.
# Generate columns in the adata.obs dataframe with the loading values of each factor
factor_names = list(tensor.factors['Contexts'].columns)
for f in factor_names:
adata.obs[f] = adata.obs['grid_cell'].apply(lambda x: float(tensor.factors['Contexts'][f].to_dict()[x]))
adata.obs[f] = pd.to_numeric(adata.obs[f])
# These columns are used for coloring the tissue regions to associate them with each factor
sq.pl.spatial_scatter(adata, color=[None, 'celltype_niche']+factor_names, size=1.3, cmap='Blues', vmin=0.)
plt.suptitle(f'{num_bins}x{num_bins} Spatial Grid', fontsize=32, ha='left')
Text(0.5, 0.98, '4x4 Spatial Grid')

For example, we can take Factor 5 here, and see that regions in the top area of the tissue, and the bottom left corner are associated with the CCC pattern. Here, main interacting spots are niches 1 and 2 (mainly composed of cardiomyocytes and endothelial cells), coinciding with the areas where they are mainly located.
Then, using the LR pair loadings, we can also identify LR interactions that are key in each factor, and link this with the spatial region with higher scores in the same factor.
_ = c2c.plotting.loading_clustermap(loadings=tensor.factors['Ligand-Receptor Pairs'],
figsize=(28, 8),

In factor 5, where interactions of niches 1 and 2 are associated with this CCC pattern, LR interactions such as NPPB^NPR1, THBS4^CD36, and FN1^ITGAV&ITGB1 are important.
Following the same idea, other downstream analyses could be performed (e.g., Pathway enrichment analysis, PROGENy analysis, among others - see this notebook), and use the resulting scores to associate them with important tissue regions per factor.
Finally, for comparing tissues from multiple patients, a 4D tensor could be built for the same tissue region across patients. So the 4th dimension would be a tissue region aligned and present across patients.
Different grid sizes
We can also explore changing the number of bins in the grid to see the impact on the analysis. With this we can focus on shorter- or longer-ranges of interactions.
def run_pipeline_per_bins(adata, lr_pairs, cell_group, bin_list, output_folder=None):
results = {}
for num_bins in bin_list:
if output_folder is not None:
output_folder = output_folder + '/NumBins-{}/'.format(num_bins)
tmp_result = {}
adata_ = adata.copy()
c2c.spatial.create_spatial_grid(adata_, num_bins=num_bins)
li.mt.cellphonedb.by_sample(adata_, resource=lr_pairs, groupby=cell_group, sample_key='grid_cell',
expr_prop=0.1, use_raw=False, verbose=True)
spatial_liana = adata_.uns['liana_res']
tensor = li.multi.to_tensor_c2c(liana_res=spatial_liana, # LIANA's dataframe containing results
sample_key='grid_cell', # Column name of the samples
source_key='source', # Column name of the sender cells
target_key='target', # Column name of the receiver cells
ligand_key='ligand_complex', # Column name of the ligands
receptor_key='receptor_complex', # Column name of the receptors
score_key='lr_means', # Column name of the communication scores to use
inverse_fun=None, # Transformation function
how='outer', # What to include across all samples
outer_fraction=1/4., # Fraction of samples as threshold to include cells and LR pairs.
dimensions_dict = [None, None, None, None]
meta_tensor = c2c.tensor.generate_tensor_metadata(interaction_tensor=tensor,
rank=8, # Number of factors to perform the factorization. If None, it is automatically determined by an elbow analysis
tf_optimization='regular', # To define how robust we want the analysis to be.
random_state=0, # Random seed for reproducibility
device='cuda', # Device to use. If using GPU and PyTorch, use 'cuda'. For CPU use 'cpu'
cmaps=['plasma', 'Dark2_r', 'Set1', 'Set1'],
output_folder=output_folder, # Whether to save the figures in files. If so, a folder pathname must be passed
# Generate columns in the adata_.obs dataframe with the loading values of each factor
factor_names = list(tensor.factors['Contexts'].columns)
for f in factor_names:
adata_.obs[f] = adata_.obs['grid_cell'].apply(lambda x: float(tensor.factors['Contexts'][f].to_dict()[x]))
adata_.obs[f] = pd.to_numeric(adata_.obs[f])
tmp_result['tensor'] = tensor
tmp_result['tensor_meta'] = meta_tensor
tmp_result['adata'] = adata_
results[num_bins] = tmp_result
return results
results = run_pipeline_per_bins(adata_og, lr_pairs, cell_group, bin_list=[2,3], output_folder=output_folder)
../../data/spatial//NumBins-2/ was created successfully.
Converting `grid_cell` to categorical!
Now running: 1_1: 100%|███████████████████████████| 4/4 [00:28<00:00, 7.17s/it]
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████| 4/4 [00:06<00:00, 1.66s/it]
Running Tensor Factorization
Generating Outputs
Loadings of the tensor factorization were successfully saved into ../../data/spatial//NumBins-2//Loadings.xlsx
Converting `grid_cell` to categorical!
../../data/spatial//NumBins-2//NumBins-3/ was created successfully.
Now running: 2_2: 100%|███████████████████████████| 9/9 [00:45<00:00, 5.02s/it]
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████| 9/9 [00:12<00:00, 1.40s/it]
Running Tensor Factorization
Generating Outputs
Loadings of the tensor factorization were successfully saved into ../../data/spatial//NumBins-2//NumBins-3//Loadings.xlsx

Let’s visualize the imprtant bins per factor for the different grids
[ ]:
for k, v in results.items():
factor_names = list(v['tensor'].factors['Contexts'].columns)
sq.pl.spatial_scatter(v['adata'], color=[None, 'celltype_niche']+factor_names, size=1.3, cmap='Blues', vmin=0.)
plt.suptitle(f'{k}x{k} Spatial Grid', fontsize=32, ha='left')

As the size of the grid window increases, it becomes more challenging to discern regional differences within the tissue due to the coarser resolution provided by these larger windows. In this case, more cell-cell interactions are capture per window, making difficult to identify patterns associated with more specific spots. Conversely, smaller grid windows offer a finer resolution, enabling a clearer distinction and more detailed understanding of the variations between different tissue regions.
[ ]: