6. Pathway Enrichment of LR loadings
Cell-cell communication inference from single-cell data provides unprecedented insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying cell-cell communication. In particular, it enables the capture of CCC interactions at a systems level, which is not possible with traditional approaches. However, as the number of inferred interactions increases, the interpretation of the inferred cell-cell communication networks becomes more challenging. To this end, as done in other omics studies, we can perform pathway enrichment analysis to identify the general biological processes that are enriched in the inferred interactions. Pathway enrichment thus serves two purposes; it reduces the dimensionality of the inferred interactions, and also provides a biological summary of the inferred interactions.
In this tutorial, we will show how to use the cell2cell
and liana
packages to perform classical gene set enrichment analysis using GSEA
with KEGG Pathways
, and also we will use perform a footprint enrichment analysis using a multi-variate linear regression
with the PROGENy pathway resource. We will use the `GSEAPY
<https://gseapy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`__ and `decoupleR
<https://saezlab.github.io/decoupleR/>`__ packages to perform these analyses.
library(liana, quietly = TRUE)
library(decoupleR, quietly = TRUE)
library(textshape, quietly = TRUE)
library(reshape2, quietly = TRUE)
library(tibble, quietly = TRUE)
library(dplyr, quietly = TRUE)
library(tidyr, quietly = TRUE)
library(rstatix, quietly = TRUE)
library(ggpubr, quietly = TRUE)
library(forcats, quietly = T)
library(stringr, quietly = TRUE)
library(ggplot2, quietly = TRUE)
library(reticulate, quietly = TRUE)
Attaching package: ‘decoupleR’
The following objects are masked from ‘package:liana’:
show_methods, show_resources
Attaching package: ‘tibble’
The following object is masked from ‘package:textshape’:
Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
The following object is masked from ‘package:textshape’:
The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
filter, lag
The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
Attaching package: ‘tidyr’
The following object is masked from ‘package:reshape2’:
Attaching package: ‘rstatix’
The following object is masked from ‘package:stats’:
c2c <- reticulate::import(module = "cell2cell")
output_folder <- file.path('..', '..', 'data', 'tc2c-outputs')
data_path <- file.path('..', '..', 'data')
Load Data
Open the loadings obtained from the tensor factorization
covid_data <- readRDS(file.path(data_path, 'covid_data_sce.rds'))
factors <- liana::get_c2c_factors(sce = covid_data,
sample_col = "sample_new",
group_col = "condition")
Load list of LR pairs used as reference torun LIANA
lr_pairs <- liana::select_resource('Consensus')[[1]] %>%
select(ligand = source_genesymbol, receptor = target_genesymbol)
Generate a list with the LR pair names
KEGG was originally designed to work with list of genes. Here we are using ligand-receptor pairs, so instead of using Gene Sets we need to build our LR-gene sets. This list is a first step to build the LR-gene sets.
lr_list <- lr_pairs %>%
unite('interaction', ligand, receptor, sep = '^') %>%
Gene Set Enrichment Analysis
In this case, we will run the PreRank method of GSEA since our LR pairs are pre-ranked based on their loadings in each factor obtained by Tensor-cell2cell.
Generate LR-gene set for running GSEA
includes some resources associated with the Gene sets employed in GSEA. It includes annotations of GO Terms (BP), KEGG, and Reactome, for human and mouse.
First, specify which organism and annotation DB to use
organism = 'human' # For the COVID-19 data analyzed with LIANA+Tensor-cell2cell
pathwaydb = 'KEGG' # KEGG Pathways
Generate the LR-gene set that will be used for running GSEA
lr_set <- c2c$external$generate_lr_geneset(lr_list = lr_list,
complex_sep='_', # Separation symbol of the genes in the protein complex
lr_sep='^', # Separation symbol between a ligand and a receptor complex
Extract LR loadings for each factor
lr_loadings = factors[['interactions']] %>%
This external function implemented in cell2cell
builds upon the function gseapy.prerank()
All outputs will be saved in the output_folder
. Make sure that this path exist before running this function.
gsea_res <- c2c$external$run_gsea(loadings=lr_loadings,
names(gsea_res)<-c('pvals', 'scores', 'gsea_df')
We can use the pvals
and scores
outputs to visualize the results as a Dot Plot:
gsea.dotplot<-function(pval_df, score_df, significance = 0.05, font_size = 15){
pval_df <- pval_df[apply(pval_df<significance,1,any), apply(pval_df<significance, 2, any)] %>%
mutate_all(function(x) -1*log10(x + 1e-9))
score_df <- score_df[rownames(pval_df), colnames(pval_df)]
pval_df <- pval_df %>%
score_df <- score_df %>%
viz_df <- cbind(melt(pval_df), melt(score_df)[[3]])
names(viz_df) <- c('Annotation', 'Factor', 'Significance', 'NES')
dotplot <- ggplot(viz_df, aes(x = Factor, y = Annotation)) + geom_point(aes(size = Significance, color = NES)) +
scale_color_gradient2() + theme_bw(base_size = font_size) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 0.5, hjust=0.5))+
scale_size(range = c(0, 8)) +
h_ = 8
w_ = 10
options(repr.plot.height=h_, repr.plot.width=w_)
dotplot <- gsea.dotplot(pval_df = gsea_res$pvals,
score_df = gsea_res$scores,
significance = 0.05)
Using Annotation as id variables
Using Annotation as id variables

Similarly, we can use gsea_df to easily see the Enriched Pathways
gsea_df <- gsea_res$gsea_df
gsea_df %>%
filter(`Adj. P-value` < 0.05 & NES > 0) %>%
Factor | Term | NES | P-value | Adj. P-value | |
<chr> | <chr> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | |
52 | Factor.5 | CHEMOKINE SIGNALING PATHWAY | 1.546406 | 0.001000000 | 0.01444444 |
39 | Factor.4 | ANTIGEN PROCESSING AND PRESENTATION | 1.479729 | 0.001000000 | 0.01444444 |
117 | Factor.10 | ANTIGEN PROCESSING AND PRESENTATION | 1.364777 | 0.001000000 | 0.01444444 |
78 | Factor.7 | ANTIGEN PROCESSING AND PRESENTATION | 1.361638 | 0.001000000 | 0.01444444 |
13 | Factor.2 | ANTIGEN PROCESSING AND PRESENTATION | 1.356078 | 0.001000000 | 0.01444444 |
0 | Factor.1 | ANTIGEN PROCESSING AND PRESENTATION | 1.345314 | 0.001000000 | 0.01444444 |
53 | Factor.5 | CYTOKINE CYTOKINE RECEPTOR INTERACTION | 1.319703 | 0.001000000 | 0.01444444 |
40 | Factor.4 | CELL ADHESION MOLECULES CAMS | 1.317278 | 0.001000000 | 0.01444444 |
91 | Factor.8 | CHEMOKINE SIGNALING PATHWAY | 1.265677 | 0.005005005 | 0.04647505 |
14 | Factor.2 | CHEMOKINE SIGNALING PATHWAY | 1.257363 | 0.003003003 | 0.03549004 |
26 | Factor.3 | ANTIGEN PROCESSING AND PRESENTATION | 1.229543 | 0.004004004 | 0.04337671 |
104 | Factor.9 | ANTIGEN PROCESSING AND PRESENTATION | 1.225197 | 0.005005005 | 0.04647505 |
1 | Factor.1 | CELL ADHESION MOLECULES CAMS | 1.220750 | 0.001000000 | 0.01444444 |
16 | Factor.2 | CYTOKINE CYTOKINE RECEPTOR INTERACTION | 1.170583 | 0.002002002 | 0.02602603 |
And Depleted Pathways
gsea_df %>%
filter(`Adj. P-value` < 0.05 & NES < 0) %>%
Factor | Term | NES | P-value | Adj. P-value |
<chr> | <chr> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> |
Footprint Enrichment
Footprint enrichment analysis build upon classic geneset enrichment analysis, as instead of considering the genes involved in a biological activity, they consider the genes affected by the activity, or in other words the genes that change downstream of said activity (Dugourd and Saez-Rodriguez, 2019). This is particularly useful when working with transcriptomics data, as it allows to identify the genes that are regulated by a biological process, instead of the genes that are part of the process. In this case, we will use the PROGENy pathway resource to perform footprint enrichment analysis. PROGENy was built in a data-driven manner using perturbation and cancer lineage data (Schubert et al, 2019), as a consequence it also assigns different importances or weights to each gene in its pathway genesets.
To this end, we need an enrichment method that can take weights into account, and here we will use multi-variate linear models from the decoupleR
package to perform this analysis (Badia-i-Mompel et al., 2022).
load the PROGENy pathway resource:
# obtain progeny gene sets
net <- decoupleR::get_progeny(organism = 'human', top=5000) %>%
Now we will use the PROGENy genesets to assign pathways and weights to the ligand-receptor pairs in liana’s consensus resource. Specifically, we will use the weighted bipartite networks from PROGENy, where the weight represents the importance of the genes to a given geneset, and assign a weight to each ligand-receptor interaction, based on the mean of the weights of the proteins in that ligand-receptor interaction. We keep only ligand-receptor weights only if all the protein in the ligand-receptor interaction are present for a given pathway, and are sign-coherent.
# convert to LR sets
progeny_lr <- liana::generate_lr_geneset(sce = covid_data,
resource = net)
lr | set | mor |
<chr> | <chr> | <dbl> |
ACTR2^LDLR | EGFR | 1.1326914 |
ADAM10^CADM1 | MAPK | -1.0350601 |
ADAM10^GPNMB | EGFR | -1.9858320 |
ADAM10^GPNMB | MAPK | -2.7904170 |
ADAM10^NOTCH1 | EGFR | -0.9249343 |
ADAM10^NOTCH1 | MAPK | -0.9250379 |
Run footprint enrichment analysis
We will now use the decoupleR
package to perform the analysis.
# interaction loadings to matrix
mat <- factors$interactions %>%
textshape::column_to_rownames("lr") %>%
# run enrichment analysis with decoupler
# (we fit a univariate linear model for each gene set)
# We don't consider genesets with minsize < 10
res <- decoupleR::run_ulm(mat = mat,
network = progeny_lr,
.source = "set",
.target = "lr",
minsize=10) %>%
mutate(p_adj = p.adjust(p_value, method = "fdr"))
Visualize Results
res %>% # sig/isnig flag
mutate(significant = if_else(p_adj <= 0.05, "signif.", "not")) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=source, y=condition, shape=significant,
colour=score, size=-log10(p_value+1e-36))) +
geom_point() +
scale_colour_gradient2(high = "red", low="blue") +
scale_size_continuous(range = c(3, 12)) +
scale_shape_manual(values=c(21, 16)) +
theme_bw(base_size = 15) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1)) +

Let’s zoom in on Factor 2, which is associated with COVID-19 cases.
selected_factor = 'Factor.2'
sample_loadings <- liana::get_c2c_factors(covid_data,
group_col='condition') %>%
purrr::pluck("contexts") %>%
pivot_longer(-c("condition", "context"),
names_to = "factor",
values_to = "loadings") %>%
mutate(factor = factor(factor)) %>%
mutate(factor = forcats::fct_relevel(factor, "Factor.10", after=9))
res.factor <- res %>%
filter(condition == selected_factor) %>%
mutate(p_adj = p.adjust(p_value, method = "fdr")) %>%
arrange(desc(score)) %>%
mutate(source = factor(source, levels = source))
ggplot(data=res.factor, aes(x=score, y=source, fill = score)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", width=0.5) + theme_bw() + scale_fill_gradient2(trans = 'reverse') +
ylab('') + xlab('Activity')

From the plots above, we can see that the JAK-STAT pathway is downregulated in Factor 2. Let’s see which ligand-receptor pairs are enriched in this pathway.
selected_pathway = 'JAK-STAT'
# loadings to long format
lrs <- factors$interactions %>%
inner_join(progeny_lr, by="lr") %>%
filter(set==selected_pathway) %>%
select(lr, set, mor, loading = !!selected_factor) %>%
mutate(lr = gsub(as.character(str_glue("\\^")), " -> ", lr)) %>%
mutate(weight = if_else(mor >= 0, "positive", "negative"))
lr | set | mor | loading | weight |
<chr> | <chr> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <chr> |
B2M -> LILRB2 | JAK-STAT | 1.4282332 | 0.0626263469 | positive |
CCL18 -> CCR1 | JAK-STAT | 1.0966844 | 0.0064965212 | positive |
CCL2 -> CCR1 | JAK-STAT | 2.1039209 | 0.0956253707 | positive |
CCL7 -> CCR1 | JAK-STAT | 1.1451122 | 0.0240481608 | positive |
CCL7 -> CXCR3 | JAK-STAT | 0.6823783 | 0.0006287754 | positive |
CCL8 -> CCR1 | JAK-STAT | 3.5262996 | 0.0672063306 | positive |
plot the loadings for that Factor and the weights of the pathway
# Plot LRs associated the pathway
lrs %>%
# only label those that are > x
mutate(lr = if_else(loading>=0.001 & abs(mor) > 2, lr, "")) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=mor, y=loading, colour=weight)) +
# label only top 20
stat_smooth(method = "lm", col = "black") +
geom_point(alpha = 0.5) +
ggrepel::geom_label_repel(aes(label = lr)) +
theme_bw(base_size = 15) +
scale_colour_manual(values = c("royalblue3", "red")) +
labs(x="Pathway Weight", y="LR Loading")
`geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
Warning message:
“ggrepel: 5 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider increasing max.overlaps”

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